The collection of resources below consists of works that have been essential to my mental health journey, my life, and my recovery. These are pieces that have moved me significantly. I revisit many of these often. Some I have only taken in once, and will again. In these pieces, I find truth and balance. I find centering perspectives and tools of achievement. I find clarity, resilience, and tranquility. I hope something in this collection sends you on your quest to find what you seek. I see, know, hear, think, and understand something different each time I take in these pieces. As my resume of experiences develops, so does my perspective and my ability to distinguish certain nuances I did not previously detect. As I take in more ideas, I see more connection. I believe the same is true for everyone. We all unfold.
*/**denotes extra personal significance
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev from Pexels
Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl**
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen*
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen* (Youtube)
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill*
You Are Here - Thich Nhat Hanh
Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins*
The Secret of Light - Walter Russell*
Tools of Titans - Timothy Ferriss
Pound the Stone - Joshua Medcalf
A Whack on the Side of the Head - Roger von Oech
The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
The Last Question - Isaac Asimov
The China Study - Campbell & Campbell
Playing With Purpose - Victoria Findlay Wolfe
Photo by brotiN biswaS from Pexels
Articles, Essays, Poems
Invictus - William Ernest Henley*
Thinking - Walter D Wintle
The Journey of Forgiving our Parents & Releasing our Family Conditioning.
Song of Myself - Walt Whitman
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
The Minotaur - Albert Camus
Photo by Amin Asbaghipour from Pexels