Thank you Mark Cuban for your message and inspiration!
I feel even more validated in my mindset. Life is a wild ride. The first step in achieving your dreams is believing you can.
We have been light on updates. Amongst the world’s turmoil we have been seeking peace. With each other. With our friends and families. We are working on living this thing called life and intelligently cultivating our future. Life is precious and fleeting. Your circumstances can change at any time.
You can also change your circumstances. Why not? Why not try? Why not chase the “impossible?” Why not you?
Why can’t I regain control of my body? Why can’t I be the one the treatment works for? Why not put in the work? Why not try? Why can’t I be the one?
Someone can, someone will
Why not ME?
Ryan Danley at Worthington Educators and Friends for Justice
June 7, 2020
Danley & Friends Podcast Launch Video - Fall 2020